Athax KHOVEL EITE - About Us
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Humble Confession
This is my Logo
t the very outset, I would like to introduce myself as a very friendly, humble with down to earth simplicity. Everyone in the cyber space needs and deserve free flow of information with ease of accessing those desired stuff with the confort of just lazily sitting on their sofa, sipping from their own favourite coffee cup. That is just what I am upto or trying to. Running various application, number crunching, graphics, date, word processing , music , videos and streaming all in the same tube without the need to have a separate box for each and every of them- that is what we called convergence. Converging all media in one system is the banner word for me. Over and above this, what I really enjoy is getting all that stuffs- tools and applications for FREE!!!.
echnology is what drive your passion what you hooked on to at your work or your leisure. Right, I’ll reveal myself as ATHAX, the acronym for Advance Technology in Hyper Active Exchange. In this connected world what every netizens craves for is – an Advanced and Hyper-interactive Exchange of information, knowledge, ideas and views to build up a connected chain of lively infoware or species. This not totally for tech or business sake, it could also do a lot for humanities- building a closely knitted bond between two persons or among groups. It can mean for promoting social, political, economic and intellectual awareness to all- the Zo-race are in no exception to this because they scattered among nations of the world and were separated by various national frontiers.
istorical events and relics pertaining to our culture and traditions are on the verge of extinction and memories of those are fading away from the present Zo-generations. To upkeep and preserve our valuable traditions and customary way of life with its glorious moments is the need of the hour. Our ancestor had handed down upon us a spectacular and colourful vivid cultural heritage, we deserve respecting them in their honour by doing a simple deed of preserving those invaluable national and traditional assets.
ctively, it is our duty to participate , support and devote our valuable time, energy and resources not only for the conservation but also for the propagation of those wisedom and exploration for more. For this, advance ICTechnology came to our aid and has a vital role to play in the field of preservation and propagation as it has no political barriers, it will finely do the job irrespective of the political territory where you belong. Trans-border hindrance and barriers is not an issue; this media is bound to do its job well.
change is the basis on which we are to work upon. Without exchanging our resources and knowledge, physically or virtually , we won’t be able to fully explore and dig out wide and open the stories and accounts of past glories and their cultural complexities of our ancestors because it is really a vast and diverse subject. Sharing and taking may be the best and suitable policy to carry on with this mission, to extract the maximum from each and everyone’s potential.

astly, I’m also known by Lee- which really seems to be absurd, vague and vulgar. May be it might appears that you are irritated about this. It’s not, and I mean it, it stands only for Link Electornic Experience, you too are enjoying the same experience. Am I wrong ? Nyet . This is our world full of loads and lots of electronically linked sorts of items – we too experiencing this joy.

E lectronic…..
E xperiece.

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